Nine-year-old Carmela has been under the care of Julia's House since the age of three, when she was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. This life-limiting and muscle wasting condition was a devastating diagnosis for her and her family, but despite the pain, fatigue and discomfort Carmela endures, she has dedicated her life to helping others.
Carmela’s exceptional efforts were recognised with the highest accolade this month when she was invited to the House of Lords to receive a British Citizen Youth Award (BCyA) - the young person’s equivalent of an MBE.
Proud Mum, Lucy, explains: “From as young as four, Carmela understood that scientists make you better, but they need money to do this. So, she started to sell cakes, paintings and drawings to raise funds. We sold some online and her artwork is hanging on walls as far away as Australia and the USA.
"Carmela has taken part in over 20 fundraising events in the past five years and raised an incredible £400,000. During the pandemic, unable to attend any of her essential hospital or physio appointments, Carmela took herself online, explaining her physio exercises to others. She has helped thousands of people around the world in the physical disability community, providing them with a positive example of what you can do.
"Carmela now has an electronic heart monitor implanted due to being at high risk of a heart attack, but daily she continues to show others that there is hope.”
You can get the latest news from Carmela and try her exercise videos by following Carmela's Stand Up To muscular dystrophy on Facebook by clicking here.