Write or update your Will with one of our Free Wills participating solicitors across Dorset and Wiltshire.  

There’s no obligation to leave a gift to Julia’s House in your Will if you use our Free Wills service, but we hope you may consider it once you have taken care of your loved ones. A gift of just 1% from your Will can make 100% difference to overwhelmed parents going through dark times.

Face to Face Will writing service

How does the face to face service work?

  • Contact the firm of your choice, and explain that you want to make an appointment under the Julia’s House Free Wills Service. 
  • After you’ve completed and signed your Will, the solicitor will ask you to fill in a simple form that helps us to measure how well the service is working.

If you would like to write your Will online, please visit our free online Wills service page

1 in 4 children and their families supported by Julia’s House are funded by gifts in Wills. So if you do leave a gift, large or small, to Julia’s House, you will be providing a lifeline to local families across Dorset and Wiltshire. Thank you.