Our grandson Cameron was born in 2009 with a condition called Posterial Urethral Valves. This meant that a faulty valve had seen his little body fill up with fluid in the womb, wreaking havoc with his kidneys, bladder, squashing all his other organs and stopping some of his joints from forming properly, amongst many, other serious medical problems.
I honestly don't think we could have got through this without Julia's House 's support. Not only did they look after Cameron to give everyone a break, but they really supported all of us as a family when we were needing it the most.
When Julia's House decided to create a group for Grandparents we were really thrilled to be part of it. An unwell child affects everyone in the family and besides siblings groups, dads groups and Mums too, they realised that this is also tough on the wider family.
Cameron's conditions are thankfully stable at the moment so he no longer receives support, but when we were approached to become Ambassadors we were thrilled and proud to do so. This is an inspirational place full of amazing and very special people and we are very proud to be a very tiny part of that.