Its Friday night and I am really excited 
I am thinking what shall I do?
Maybe tomorrow I will ride my bike 
Maybe I will use my scooter too.
Perhaps we will go to the park?
Or talk until it gets dark.
I would like to go to mulberry ring’s
Where I can imagine I have a future being a king.

I have a brother I love very much
He is very poorly and not home very much
He can’t stay in hospital all alone without Mum
So sometimes I can’t play and go out and have fun
I have learnt what an advanced Care Plan is,
And what a fundoplication is I guess it could be helpful one day in a quiz.

My brother is the baby of our family and he needs extra love
He doesn’t say words and needs only one glove,
I have met amazing people who keep him alive 
They keep him safe and healthy and help him to thrive
Sometimes I feel sad and angry inside
I hate that my friends don’t understand
We cant always participate in something we had planned.

Julia’s House offer a sanctuary where siblings don’t have to hide
They understand my feelings, my question’s and my cries
I love my brother so very much,
It’s just so hard when we miss out on such a lot
Maria makes me feel special and gives me my space 
To understand what I am feeling at my own pace
Sibling support helped me understand its okay to be angry and sad
And to know it isn’t him that is making me mad
I know what he is going through is pretty grim
I will always love and do my best to protect him

They taught me its okay to have fun and to play
I am not his carer, his doctor, or therapist
I am his brother, his sibling his friend
Pushing of boundaries arguing and being jealous
Is all part of being a family and not something to condemn
I am a child just like him and he is my brother, my sibling, my kin. 

Reuben with his siblings (Aaron top-centre)
                                                           Reuben with his siblings, Aaron is top-centre


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