“When the Julia's House nurses and carers are looking after Sully, I know that he is getting the very best care,” says Mum Lucy. “I can take my eyes off him, and I know I don’t have to worry. I don’t feel like I can do that with anyone else, it’s the most amazing gift.” 

When Sully was born, he seemed perfectly healthy. But at four months he began to have seizures. His family discovered Sully has a rare and life-shortening condition called PDH, which causes his lactic acid to build up to dangerously high levels. 

Thanks to our supporters, Julia’s House can give local families the regular breaks and support they need, and help children like Sully live their childhood to the full. Our specialist nurses and carers are there for the whole family, providing critical and compassionate care in families’ homes and at our hospice. 

Without your help, we wouldn’t exist. Thank you for your donation.